Over the past few weeks, I’ve been experimenting with masternodes as alternatives/replacements to traditional crypto mining rigs. Like with many other crypto-related things, I was surprised to find such a huge community and wealth of options. It’s akin to opening a window into another world. What interests me the most is to learn to what… Continue reading 10 things I learned while setting up five masternodes
Pentaho is slow for servers with too many home directories
Over the course of two years, browsing solutions on our Pentaho 5.4 server became progressively slow. It came to a point in which you had to wait 2-3 minutes to see the list of solutions in the Pentaho User Console. The catalina log didn’t say much and we didn’t have too many solutions (around 200),… Continue reading Pentaho is slow for servers with too many home directories
Linear Optimization with or-tools — building a web front-end with falcon and gunicorn
In a previous post, I put together a script for solving a linear optimisation problem using Google’s OR-tools. This python script is callable from the command line and you kinda need to know what you are doing and how to organize the parameters. So, in order to address this difficulty, I wanted to build a… Continue reading Linear Optimization with or-tools — building a web front-end with falcon and gunicorn
Linear Optimization with or-tools
Getting started Over the last couple of months I’ve been getting my feet wet with linear programming and mathematical optimisation. I got a sense of how it all worked from this Discrete Optimisation course in Coursera and googling around I discovered that there are a ton of tools out there to help you solve… Continue reading Linear Optimization with or-tools
A hub to end all dongles
When I got the 2016 MacBook I knew that I was condemning myself to the dongle life. However, instead of complaining or getting on with the program and buy 2 or 10 dongles. I researched a bit and found the perfect solution for my desktop. I wanted a docking station to connect two monitors (one… Continue reading A hub to end all dongles