4 Tools to organize your life

Very few people manage to establish a fundamentalist separation between their work spaces and their homes. Normally our work follows us home; our shores chase us to work and they both follow us outside. How many times – for instance– have we arrived at the office only to find that the file we worked on… Continue reading 4 Tools to organize your life

Stop punishing your users and learn some design fundamentals

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is how bad in-house enterprise applications look and behave: clashing color combinations, buttons that don’t respond to clicks, messy forms, elements that look like links but aren’t, inconsistent non-standard controls, no user feedback whatsoever, ugly reports, you know the drill. It’s even more incredible how the poor… Continue reading Stop punishing your users and learn some design fundamentals

4 Tools for Working Remotely

Or how to telecommute without disappearing This article belongs to the telecommuting and geographical independence series. If there’s an aspect of the digital revolution that I’m passionate about, is the possibility we have to be omnipresent through technology. Thanks to mobile computing and the drop in telecommunication costs, everyday there’re fewer reasons to work in an… Continue reading 4 Tools for Working Remotely

The Difference: Living Well vs. Doing Well

Rolf Potts, author of the essential Vagabonding, offers some pointers to release yourself from the endless production-consumption cycle and get the time to roam the world. This notion – that material investment is somehow more important to life than personal investment – is exactly what leads so many of us to believe we could never afford… Continue reading The Difference: Living Well vs. Doing Well

How to create effective presentations

Aaaand off to a bad start Most people that lead a professional life need to do presentations on a regular basis. Which is why it never seizes to amaze me that, consistently, almost all of the presentations that I see, suck. Leaving halfway through the presentation really doesn’t solve anything. I mean, this evil energy… Continue reading How to create effective presentations