A few days ago, the new version of Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight went live, backed by ESPN. According to Silver’s observations, explained in his site’s manifesto, the market is ripe for a data-oriented journalism. I totally agree. A day doesn’t go by in which I hear or read an argument that painfully drags along because of… Continue reading Nate Silver And The Age of Data Journalism
Author: Daniel Pradilla
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How to build quick and free charts
Back in July 2013, the guys from released their Chartbuilder tool to the rest of the world. Quartz is a very successful online magazine. For their charting needs they use Chartbuilder, a web tool they built to streamline their cumbersome Excel-based process and convert it to a three step copy+paste, copy+paste, publish workflow. Author David Yanofksy:… Continue reading How to build quick and free charts
Moneyballing criminal justice
One of the problems of justice systems everywhere is that they depend on subjectivity and have near zero data-mining expertise. Because of that, tons of money are wasted in keeping low-risk offenders in jail. As the attorney general for New Jersey, Anne Milgram changed the panorama of her state’s criminal justice system. By applying statistics… Continue reading Moneyballing criminal justice
A primer on Visual Encoding
Michael Dubakov has this great introduction to visual encoding, along with samples and easy to remember rules, so you don’t mess up the next time you’re trying to visualize data.
Making sense of numbers while browsing the web
Almost every time we read an article, we are faced with numbers. Good writers try to pre-digest those figures for you with analogies. But most of the times, we are left alone to decipher what the numbers mean. The thing is that we rarely interrupt our reading to stop and think how $238 million dollars… Continue reading Making sense of numbers while browsing the web